Many people regret their tattoos. Times change. People change. But a tattoo no longer has to be forever. State-of-the-art technology allows for tattoo removal of many tattoos. A tattoo can stand in the way of employment, a police or military career, or even a new relationship

Tattoo removal has been performed with various tools since the start of tattooing. While tattoos were once considered permanent, it is now possible to remove them with treatments, fully or partially.

The standard modality for tattoo removal is the non-invasive removal of tattoo pigments using Q-switched lasers. Different types of Q-switched lasers are used to target different colours of tattoo ink depending on the specific light absorption spectra of the tattoo pigments. Typically, black and other darker-coloured inks can be removed completely using Q-switched lasers while lighter colours such as yellows and greens are still very difficult to remove. Success can depend on a wide variety of factors including skin colour, ink colour, and the depth at which the ink was applied.

Before the development of laser tattoo removal methods, common techniques included dermabrasion, TCA (Trichloroacetic acid, an acid that removes the top layers of skin, reaching as deep as the layer in which the tattoo ink resides), salabrasion (scrubbing the skin with salt), cryosurgery and excision which is sometimes still used along with skin grafts for larger tattoos.

Besides Laser Tattoo removal there are various surgical methods available at Star Hospital, Udaipur for the removal of Tattoos including surgical excision, Serial excision, excision and skin grafting and flap covers with excellent results.

Tattoo Removal Experts in Udaipur - laser surgery

Tattoo Removal Experts in Udaipur